Letters to The Mother
MARCH 2012
I am delighted to learn that The Mother has been revived. I used to read it in the sixties. You have done a great service for all devotees of BABA.
Lt Gen Sushil Kumar PVSM (Retd)
Congratulations for starting such a wonderful magazine!! Went through it. It seems to be a treasure house of spiritual knowledge. Wishing you all success !!
Prashanthi Yachendra, Hyderabad
Great Great NEWS! Thousand blessings to you for reviving THE MOTHER. Took a quick look at the Preceptor issue of the New Mother. Excellent. Great job. The Mother is taking care of herself. You need not worry. Hopefully the archive section will also kick in soon. Let us get some regular columns started by eminent religious or spiritual people. I am thinking of asking a famous Linguistics friend of mine who was the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences in Hyderabad Central University for a long time and now is a senior research professor in Indian Statistical Institute. What sort of authors have you contacted? A few good modern English poets of spiritual inclination would be absolutely essential. Please make the journal as non-sectarian and impersonal as possible except one corner reserved for exposition of Omkarnath-Philosophy. Another thought: In the famous RgVedic Devii Suuktam which starts: "aham Rudrebhir vasubhischarAmy aham aham Adityair uta visvadevaih.." the Goddess says "I have given birth to my own father, the origin-womb from which I came is inside the oceanic waters.." Reversing that, we could--at least YOU could now say--I have given birth to my Mother! Yes, I shall wait for inspiration to write something for Her Holiness The Mother. As Thakur would say "Driver has a plan, the book has been written, let's just turn the pages".
Dr Arindam Chakrabarti, USA
Accept my heartiest congratulation on the emag. Glanced through the content, appears to enrich the minds of seekers. Will go through the contents in detail soon.
Sajal Mukherjee, Kolkata
Thanks a lot and my hearty congratulations to you on this great achievement. May the Masters bless your efforts.
RK Gupta, New Delhi
Just read 'The Role of the Guru' by Swami Sivanand. Thank you for sharing this treasure. The stirrings of nature are part of the Creator's yearly tryst with us. Come spring and 'thousands at his bidding speed'. The Mother herald spiritual spring. Am eagerly awaiting the next edition of The Mother. If possible can you do some Moslem saints too? I thought some articles on Amir Khusru and Nizamuddin, Baba Loknath and his Guru, Milarepa and Marpa would be so insightful in your Guru series.
Tshering Das, Guwahati
Editor's reply
Aha! Your slipping in Milton so aptly, I am glad you are enjoying The Mother. We are in talks with an Islamic scholar. Will try to do Moslem saints for sure, in the coming months. There’s a Sufi scholar who is working out a piece.
Thank you for The Mother. I look forward to reading every issue.
Robin Kaye, Japan
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