Letters to The Mother
“Omkarnath Maharaj was a great saint. Our Chidananda Maharaj was very close to him. He often came to our ashram and sang Kirtan. A great soul! When he grew old, he was carried on his shoulders by a disciple. And there, sitting up on the shoulders, he would put his hands up dance-like and do bhajan. The Mother! This is a very good work you are doing. I will pray to Gurudeva and God that you are successful. Human being dies, but the written word goes on. A publication lasts longer. So it’s an important work. Please keep The Mother at Gurudeva’s samadhi as an offering. I wish you good luck.”
Swami Nirmalananda, President, Divine Life Society
My best wishes to you, the publisher and your entire team. I lost my beloved mother on 5th February and I shall need this spiritual Mother the most. Thanks.
Harish Baijal, Nasik
I love the presentation, the font and the crisp editorial policy. Specially love the look - like old parchment. Very appealing.
Amitha Jalagam, Chennai
God has blessed you through the inspiration he gave for The Mother. Only the best will happen.
Rukaiya Joshi, Mumbai
My heart read The Mother with the delight of parched land drinking the first rain. It seems God is listening to my heart very intently.I am really thrilled to know that I can be enriched with sacred writings and hope to spread the fragrance around too. God bless you and the publisher in this new endeavour, and pray that Thakurji works through you both to spread his essence and lift wilting hearts.
Meenakshi Roy, Bangalore
I visited your web site and browsed through the e-avatar of The Mother. I will read it in due course, but want to congratulate you right away for embarking on this e-adventure! May your journey be revealing and rewarding! I do have a small suggestion that - if useful - might be easy to implement at once. You will have many readers (like me) in the 45+ age group. The English fonts you have chosen are not very friendly to our eyesight. Increasing font size doesn't help much. A different font might do the trick.
Naushil Mehta, Mumbai
Heartiest Congratulations for the new achievement of launching the e-magazine! And good luck in your new vocation as Editor!!
I will surely log on and read THE MOTHER and spread the word too! Here's wishing the publisher and you all the spiritual success with THE MOTHER!!
Ashutosh Gowariker, Mumbai
Heartiest congratulations on reviving “The Mother" magazine in its new e-avatar. Our best wishes for a fulfilling journey of writing, editing and sharing spiritual knowledge with the awaiting beneficiaries, friends and fellows. Wishing you productive, enlightening and enjoyable times in the cradle of our civilization near the Himalayas and the Ganges.
Sanjay Rajguru, Dubai
If I may offer a suggestion to the online magazine. I think it will be nice to have a link to the next article instead of going back to the index and then clicking on the next article. All the articles are so profound that I personally like to read and re-read all the articles and do not feel the need to go back to the index and then select individual articles all the time. Hope I make sense!!
Haritha Rao, Bangalore
Editor's reply
You made perfect sense, Haritha. It slipped our minds, apologies. Thank you for your suggestion. This has been amended, please visit the magazine now.
Blessed that you think of such endeavours that enrich all spiritually. Congratulations on one more major milestone having been crossed.
Suman Rao, Mumbai
By grace of your Guru, Maa Ganga and Almighty God you have done wonderful job for mankind.
Our heartiest blessings are always with you. I wish this must go on in similar way from generation to generations. May God bless you all who are involved in this noble work! Love, regards and blessings
Yashwant Singh, Rishikesh
The Mother resonates with joy! I loved the touch of the marigold on the issue link. Enjoyed the letters from the publisher and you...especially the prayer...wish I could hear it sung or spoken (in Bengali?). All the links are opening fine. The site loaded very quickly. The designers have done a great job. I am happy and grateful to have been a part of this creation. Thanks to my creative colleague / tech support Vinod who enjoyed the journey with me.
Shubha Vijaykumar, Chennai
A million thanks for the revival issue of 'THE MOTHER'. I have just gone through the editorial and shall soon try and go through the rest too. I shall also forward it to others who would be interested.
I am glad you have decided to write and continue the project after your Guru has given his permission. I am reminded of Gurumayi's words, "God does not wait for perfection; if He did He would have to wait for eternity." Though it was said in some other context I think it is applicable here too. I believe such projects (and writings) are carried out only at the behest of God Himself. Sometimes our egos give rise to a false sense of incompetence. Humbleness yes, however let us not consider ourselves separated from God. Personally I am indebted to you (and God) for the revival of such a magazine that will certainly quench the thirst of several striving souls.
Diwaker Srivastava, Bangalore
Welcome, THE MOTHER. All the best for its renewed journey. May this journey prove spiritually serendipitous and joyous for All: its Readers, Writers and Editors! May All be Blessed by the Sadguru.
Pradeep Saraswat, Mumbai
Congratulations to you as well as the publisher. The fruit of your labour is exceptionally well presented and put together. The articles that I have been able to go through till now are well-written, informative and interesting. Wishing 'The Mother' all the best.
Anupama Shukla, Chennai
What a wonderful idea it is to start this E magazine. I have read some of the articles contained in the first issue. I thought the contents of the editor’s note conveyed the sentiment behind this undertaking with so much conviction in addition to it being written in flawless poetic prose. Congratulations to you and also to the publisher for taking up this challenge, for that it will be & as you say, "It is so much more important to do the job than doing it well." I conform to this belief too that it does not have to be perfect (though judging from the editorial piece it well might be) - it must come from the heart. May The Mother bless both you and the Publisher in their earnest endeavour.
Keerti Renu Singh, Kobe, Japan
Apologies for I could not write to you earlier. I was occupied with the mundane. I must confess that it was a blissful ride I undertook in learning so much from these articles. I cannot spell it for it has stirred the inside and I would not be able to determine words to dispel them even with half its meaning. I am sure there must be many more like me who would feel the same. Like mentioned in one article I too would altruistically use "silence" to dispense my salutation and a humble bow at you.
Aditya Vikram, Delhi
गंगामाता माता गुरु: यस्य पिता यस्य हिमालय:। सफल : भवतु संकल्प : विश्वश्रेयसे सर्वदा ।। "May his Sankalpa bear fruit for the well being of the universe for mother Ganga is his Guru and father is Himalaya."
Dr Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande, Urbana, Illinois, USA
A great step! May THAKUR shower all the blessings on this timely & much needed effort. Wishing this effort a GRAND SUCCESS and an unbroken publication for generations so that as KALI attains even greater proportions MOTHER is always there to show the path, wipe the tears, give solace.
Shivpal Singh, New Delhi
Congrats!! Can see that a lot of effort and dedication has gone into this. I took all this while to respond to your mail because I was sincerely trying to read through the entire edition before giving you any feedback!! 1. The prayers & poems in the original languages could also be included (preferably in the original script wherever possible- Bengali for instance). Most prayers sound better in the original language ....somehow the English version does not reach the depth, as well. The Sahasranam, by you, is a good example of what could be done for the prayers. 2. While this was a special edition, dedicated to the glory of the Guru, of utmost importance and probably the best way to begin something new, a suggestion for future editions is to have sections on different topics. My experience was that even though all the articles were fairly simple to read and understand, the topic on Dharma by Rasanath Dasa was what I really liked the most...this I realised was because it came as a breath of fresh air, after reading so many serious articles on one topic. The importance of the other topics should not be lost out due to an over fill of any one topic, thus this suggestion. I am currently going through a book published by the Samskrita Bharati "Pride of India" and enjoying it thoroughly. Click the link of the review of the book. I think you should get hold of the book (details of procurement are available on their website). Maybe some of the authors could contribute to your magazine as well!!
Sujata Ojha, Bangalore
Editor's reply
Our sincere thanks for taking the time out to read The Mother carefully and giving us an extensive feedback. The Mother is a magazine in English and though occasionally we’ll slip in some Sanskrit, for the most part we are catering to readers who are comfortable reading in English and uncomfortable reading in other languages. Besides, we do not have sufficient editorial competence in other languages. A pity, but that’s the best we can do as of now. We directly accept your suggestion of making the contents eclectic and not giving an overdose on one subject.
Really feeling proud after visiting the site. Outstanding design, thought and content. Thank you Team Streams of Nectar, Omkarnath Mission and The Mother to give such a precious gift on the eve of Shri Omkar Panchami.
Priyanath Chattopadhyay, Kolkata
Om Guru Om! We are overwhelmed by your devotion and resolve to come out with this e-magazine on this auspicious day. We are sure it will serve its desired purpose for the upliftment of mankind. Ourbest wishes and prayers for its success. After all we are being 'acted through' by The Mother. Whatever we could read so far, was overwhelming in content.
Dinesh & Hema Chhablani, New Delhi
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