Letters to The Mother
APRIL 2012
Blessed Atman: When we were going through THE MOTHER, what came to our mind was the inspiring words of our Master Revered Papa Swami Ramdas at the time of launching the Ashram magazine THE VISION in the year 1933. "It is with delight we place in your hands this small magazine THE VISION because it is a messenger of true joy and peace. Small though it is, since it embodies the teachings and lives of Saints and Sages, it is yet great. It’s one endevour will be to convey to the heart of mankind the highest vision of life--the light of infinite Love and Wisdom. It would ever seek to reveal the great Truth as the one underlying eternal principle of all life and its varied expressions. It will effuse the pure fragrance of the rare flowers of inspired thought culled from the works of all great Teachers and Sages of the world. It will stand before the world for the supreme unity of all religions and faiths. In short, its one purpose and aim will be to proclaim the eternal kinship and oneness of man with man, man with the universe and man with God."
May the Lord who is seated within and without and who has prompted you to take up this laudable work bless the readers of THE MOTHER to derive the fullest benefit.
As desired by you a few articles of our Master Beloved Papa Swami Ramdas are attached herewith.
Deepest love and best wishes.
Ever your Self
Swami Muktananda
Anandashram, founded by Swami Ramdas (Papa)
Kanhangad, Kasaragod, Kerala.
Heartiest congratulations on the revival of ‘The Mother.’ The e-magazine is beautifully laid out and the overall presentation does much to attract and hold the reader’s attention.
The judicious mix of inputs from acknowledged Gurus as well as seekers in the special Preceptor issue makes for an enticing array of articles. For those trying to make their way forward towards a greater experience of the ‘Truth,’ the magazine will prove invaluable, giving as it does glimpses into the role of the Guru as described by realized Masters. I found Shri Bandopadhyaya’s description of the Guru Purnima celebrations vivid, detailed and moving.
Best wishes for future editions,
Anupama Shukla, Chennai
What a lovely and inspiring magazine you've put together! I would be pleased to submit an article. I wish you and your project many blessings!
Ivan M. Granger, Colorado, USA
I went through the ezine and found it to be tastefully designed and superbly written. Its simplicity is what really touched me. It spoke directly to my spiritual heart.
Sachetan Gupta, Delhi
It was a pleasant surprise. I have quickly gone through and find THE MOTHER resurfacing to bring about the enlightenment. It’s truly great effort and MY HEARTEST CONGRATULATIONS from INNER CORE OF MY HEART to your laudable effort and the tone you have set it in the 'lonely journey' in your editorial as a response. I recall I read Sri Sri Omkarnathji's Tulsi Mahimamrita. It was unique and every time makes me fall for it. I will send you the piece on Maun Sadhana for publication in The Mother.
Dr Gautam Chatterjee, Delhi
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