Your article is welcome.
- Your article will be reviewed by our The Mother team, and if accepted may be edited for spelling, grammar or content.
- Generally, articles for The Mother are about 1500 words. We will consider articles of between 1500 and 3000 words. (Word limit is negotiable in exceptional cases such as verse or thesis where the length determines the consistency of the theme)
- Reviewers will evaluate articles to see whether the subject and substance are admissible according to The Mother Editorial Policy.
- We reserve the right not to publish material, which we consider abusive, speculative or inaccurate.
- We do not mind if you criticize us in your article. Our editorial policy allows us to publish articles critical of The Mother as long as it meets the editorial criteria.
- Submitted articles are to include a title of the article, full name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and position(s) of authors, acknowledgments of formal contributions to the work by others, if any.
Forms of Submission:
The Mother accepts manuscripts in the following forms:
- Manuscripts may be submitted as an email attachment, and should be PC compatible in MS Word 2007 format. The editors greatly prefer manuscripts with parenthetical citations and a bibliography, rather than endnotes.
- For electronic mail, address editor.themother@gmail.com
- Avoid any formatting other than placing headings and sub headings in bold.
- Please avoid Writing Words with Capital Letters if you wish to emphasise them.
- Please avoid “placing” words in “inverted” commas unless it is direct speech.
- Please avoid placing words in Bold – unless they form part of headings.
- Do not include any graphics in the body of the document. Graphics that are embedded in MS-Word documents cannot be used at all.
- Please name the document the same as the title of the piece – or as closely as possible. Please do not name your article “Article for The Mother” or something similar.
- The articles submitted are reviewed on the criterion of relevance of article to spiritual advancement at large, sufficient background information, clearly defined purpose, adequacy of scholarly literature, sound methodological approaches, adequacy of findings presented, strength of inferences and conclusions, justification of length based on subject and substance, organization and clarity.
- The following should appear at the top of the document. (Please do not place these details in an email. We need it in the body of the MS Word document.)
- Title of article
- Author’s name
- A 100-word biographical statement about the author.
- Author’s email address
His or her name and contact details should be included in the body of the document and a statement in writing, a permission from the author that The Mother may use the material.
Only articles that conform to all these guidelines given above will be considered for review and possible publication.
Response from the Mother & Compensation:
Because of our research and other interests, it will not be possible for us to immediately respond to you about the prospect of publishing your article. The Mother is not-for-profit effort in selfless service to mankind. We do not remunerate in monetary terms.
Copyright Policy
By submitting their articles, authors grant The Mother the right to publish, distribute electronically, archive, and make retrievable their material if published in the journal. Authors retain the copyright, however, and may decide to publish it thereafter anywhere else they wish - electronically or in a conventional paper journal. In any republication, the original publication in The Mother should be acknowledged. In most cases, The Mother will not accept for publication articles that have been published in other journals unless they are of perennial value.
For further clarification of these guidelines and policies, please contact:
Editor, The Mother at editor.themother@gmail.com