Letters to The Mother
Enjoyed reading the fine collection of articles.
The layout, colour scheme and font choices are also most appropriate.
Best wishes
Rajendra Raju, Mumbai
Just want to convey my immense gratitude to you for bringing this to me. I am deeply humbled and honored that The Mother has found a way to reach me, despite my ignorance, indifference and immaturity. Thank you so much for being such a dedicated instrument of Her grace.
Best regards
Chaitanya Nirodi, USA
Your Editorial ..."Thy Will Be Done". Great! It was terrific to read a few of the bulleted contents. You are doing terrific work.
Venkatesh Bothreddy, Bangalore
My sincere Congratulations. I am happy that a new organ in the name "The Mother" has been launched. Several years (may be decade{s}) before, someone from Maha Milan Math or from the Jai Guru Press, told me to subscribe for “The Mother” saying that it will be lying on my table and any visitor will see the title and will be attracted and informed about it. I could not subscribe then, but remembered the incident.
With this issue and the mail, I am reminded of that incident, and thought, it is the same journal. But now it is an Online endeavour. In fact I want to know the genesis and continuity of the journal “The Mother”. Whether it is the earlier one, now available online, or an entirely new adventure? Great, that it will be available now.
Prof. S. S. Lahiri
Editors reply:
Dear Prof. Lahiri,
On The Mother Divine website which hosts the emagazine The Mother, we have placed the old issues in Archives section; this journal was revived in February 2012. I am giving you a link to my fist editorial which answers your question. Just click to read.
I went through the website - THE MOTHER DIVINE! It is very very good! It is clutter free and eye pleasing on the first look. The articles also have an edge over many others that one reads. The topics really cover a cross section of people and their beliefs, and in the process enrich the reader - me! I had always thought that most of authentic articles needed an outlet and I think you have achieved it with THE MOTHER DIVINE! Thoughts of many have now got an outlet through your website... no not website, the word is GATEWAY!
With divine wishes for more interpretations and simplifications of the spiritual world!
Ashutosh Gowariker, Mumbai
I read THE MOTHER. It was very nice, felt peace while reading. The SARVAMANGALA story was very beautiful; it spoke of the glory of Ma Durga. I literally got goose bumps while reading that story. I do believe in Tuljabhavani Aai. I was very happy and touched to read this story.
Thank you, for sending me the link. I got an answer to many of my questions, about happiness, ego, dreams, our purpose in life, etc. which were very nicely answered by Swami Sivananda.
Tripti Sarjine, Pune
I read the magazine from beginning to end, and really really enjoyed it. I have saved it to re-read several times more. Wonderful job of getting together some meaningful ideas and learning.
Thanks for putting this out! P. Saroja, Chennai
Thank you for the latest issue. I had bookmarked the first vol of your e-magazine on my system and now I get automatic updates.
The second issue somehow couldn't hold my interest as much as this issue did. Maybe it was my frame of mind at that point in time? I think the current issue has been spaced out really well in terms of the kind and depth of articles. It was easy to move from one article to the next. Also I liked the idea of introduction of the facebook/tweet links.
Did you attend the Guru Sangamam held in April this year? What was the outcome in terms of wanting to "establish a spiritual gateway". Have they worked on a way to let it percolate down to the general public? There is to be a World conference on spirituality in Hyderabad in Dec this year( www.wpsconnect.org) . How different would this be?
I did not follow the need to bifurcate the ethics/morals to be abided by, into the Yamas & Niyamas. Both address essential rules to attain the desired human qualities. Do enlighten me. The article has so much information...will take many readings to imbibe it all. The author has given simple examples, in today’s context, to explain meanings... A very interesting and well written article.
The article on "Naad....." seems to be an excerpt... couldn't quite follow it.
Is the BAUL tradition linked to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in anyway? The ektara & flowing robes, besides the Bengali connection, is the common image..hence the doubt.
Sri Rasanatha Dasa's article is also beautifully wriiten. It is so true that our judgements are clouded by our ego's which also blinds our ability to see/respect the others point(s) of view. I received a forwarded message recently which read " Normal is an illusion. What is normal to a spider is chaos to the fly."
Wishing you continued success in your endeavours ( to be read as " keep including interesting and easy to read articles":))
Sujata Ojha, Bangalore
Thank you for your detailed response. You have really taken the time out to give feedback which we appreciate.
I did not attend the Guru Sangamam, but I thought it was a brilliant idea. Thanks for the info on the World Conference on spirituality to be held in Hyderabad, I didn’t know anything about it. I have written to them to send me articles for The Mother.
Yama and Niyamas are bifurcated because in one the work is external and in another it is internal. Yamas are all precepts of social discipline while Niyamas are precepts of individual discipline. See the bifurcation in the article in this light.
The piece on Naad was indeed an excerpt as mentioned below the article, it was more of a teaser, and articles in this line will appear in the next issue. The Baul tradition is not linked to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Thanks again and best regards, Editor.
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