Letters to The Mother
FEBRUARY 2013 Excellent edition! A person who failed to make it to the Maha Kumbh could now taste the delectable rasa.
Dr. Parthasarathi Banerjee, New Delhi.
The kumbh issue of the mother magazine is a visual treat.
Full of colourful pictures which lend it a glossy sheen.
The editorial is fantastic.
The complex near abstract concept of faith has been effortlessly deconstructed into its most basic building blocks.
The ease with which this is done by using such simple illustrations strikes a deep chord.
It is said when one understands something in its entirety then one is able to break it down into the simplest of terms. A shining example of that is the way faith is explained in this editorial; we are made to understand that at the fulcrum of faith is innocent childlike trust!
The Kumbh tale is enlightening.
Reading a piece like this makes us question the loss of innocence and thereby the loss of faith.
It makes us bow our heads down to the almighty and his kindness... offering salvation to millions... seeking only belief in return.
On the whole very inspired writing that compels us to introspect.
Ramya Lakshmi, Rishikesh.
Pranam Sir,
Thanks a ton for the links. I am reading THE MOTHER magazine every day. The articles are just too good. I was happy to read Sant Kirpal Singh’s article. You are doing a great service to humanity by publishing this magazine. Our Sanatana Dharma is too rich in its values. I feel very joyous when I chant the mahamantra. I have enrolled on the website for online subscription of the magazine.
I read the article about the life of Nag Mahashaya. I am proud to have been born in such a pious land called India and this great civilization called Hinduism. A touch of class, a stamp of authority. Vipul Sharma, New Delhi.
The articles are wonderful; I have to yet complete reading them all.
Thank you again, soo... much.
Maya Gandhi, Mumbai
Thanks. It’s a lovely issue….and I love the design of the journal….bringing Rishikesh alive. Neera Kashyap, New Delhi
Just read the editorial. Congratulations! The text excites, challenges, evokes and COMMUNICATES! I enjoyed the stories and simply loved the smiling child image! Editor, it is interesting to discover that even masters of prose get better with riyaaz ! Keep up the great work! Will read the rest of the number at leisure... Naushil Mehta, Mumbai.
Dear Editor, Shri Vishwashreyananda,
I read your editorial on "kumbha" with great faith and enjoyed it thoroughly. I particularly liked the idiom you have used in this writing. This narrative relates to the contemporary life of the common people.
Your references to the movie "guide" are pertinent to explain the whole phenomenon of transformation of a person because of people's faith in him. Faith has the power to perform where pure reason fails. Logical analysis stops when empirically testable evidence is no more present. Faith has the reason which the Reason does not know!
I was particularly touched by the question raised, "Are we receptacles to the cosmic energy which flows from the Kumbha?" The belief that one must deserve to receive the spiritual knowledge first before praying for it is beautifully and simply presented. Did not Patanjali add yama and niyama before embarking on the Yoga discipline? Don't all shastras r equire purification of body and mind first before any puujaa? This is perhaps the most important question we need to ask," Do I deserve to be blessed/ purified in the holy water of the Ganges?"
Each of your editorials has its own texture, its own affecting power, and above all, its own quality of inspiring the reader to think with the heart and feel with the mind! At times, it challenges our perception of the world and ourselves and persuades us to think beyond our usual fixed gaze toward the wider, more expansive sky ! The simple question," does a dip in the Ganges at kumbh really wash away all sins?" has been discussed in your narrative with a sharp analysis but in a style of mother’s story---soothing the curious heart yet persuasive and convincing!
Another impressive dimension of the narrative is its tremendous capacity to capture the "universal" in the "particular."
Connecting apparently disconnected pieces of space-India and Norway, the experience of the higher power and the vision of the Shiva in the snow-clad peak of the mountain in Norway! The narrative almost forces the reader to break the perceived barriers of time, space, culture and language and experience the seamless One Divine presence!
And that is, I believe is the power of the thought and language, the medium and the message!
The language in the narrative is not merely the bearer of the message; it becomes the message itself! Like the Kumbha, which not only pours amrita but becomes amrita, as long as the one is willing to let experience happen without struggling to receive it!
I wish the "Mother" a long life so the children can bathe in the joy forever!
Jay Gange! Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande, Urbana, USA.
I liked the articles very much. From a reader's perspective, more impacting were the stories relating to Bhakti and other such real life stories or examples from peoples life. Sanjay Priyadarshi , New Delhi.
Your Kumbh Mela Special is special, but then all the editions are!
Suman Satishchandra Rao, Mumbai.
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