Letters to The Mother
Excellent issue!
Dr Rajeshwari's article makes you think and ponder on each act! What’s it that we do, what’s it that happens. Great! I am moved to read.
Shailendra Supe, Mumbai
Editorial of August 13 issue is so simple and saargarbhit. Truly great!!
Swatantra Kumar, Mumbai
Completely in humble agreement of the editorial article. Many congratulations on another amazing issue of the Mother Divine.
Abhilasha Sood, Mumbai
Thanks so much for sending me the edition of Mother! It is beautiful in its form and content.
Thanks for your kind words about my article. I really appreciate it. I think, Supeji's editorial is superb!
He has beautifully captured the theme and shown its expansive space! I am a great admirer of the Magazine, its founder, and it's continued powerful message! Congratulations to the whole team on this much needed undertaking and I wish you every success for many years to come!
Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande, Urbana, USA
What a beautiful editorial!
You have deconstructed, nay, demystified the creative process so elegantly - using rational sounding 'mystic logic'!
What's more important... you have described everyday life as a creative act and vice-versa!
I am forwarding this link to an artist friend, who, in private conversations with me, has described his process of 'waiting'!
Keep up the great work!
Naushil Mehta, Mumbai
Dear Editor,
I read the editorial. I must say your memory serves rather well. You remember the details pretty accurately. The film maker's name is Robert Bresson- he was a huge influence on me. But his influence was even bigger on both my teachers - Kumar Shahani and Mani Kaul. So actually he is the guru of my gurus. What I told you was borrowed wisdom. Though since then, one has practiced the master's tenets in one's own work.
What I would like to say, is that i am not surprised that you found a connection between Bresson's practice and your spiritual path. Because Bresson is probably the MOST spiritual filmmaker that ever was. And his practice, and the resultant film reflected that amply.
However, it was lovely that you remembered things from 20 years back. It brings back good feelings.
Rajat Kapoor, Mumbai
Just started reading The Mother. The cover is most beautiful! The editorial , as always, is not an editorial. Indeed, this writing always touches the deepest realm in my heart with such resonance of the Divine, that I am drenched in blissful stupor. The editorial always takes the reader away from the realm of the mundane, into the depths of true existence. In the past years and endeavours, it has not been easy to effect into minds, the direct connection between swachchatha of surroundings and body, with shudhhtha of mind and eternal bliss. I pray that your next issue can throw light in this.
Meenakshi Roy, Bangalore
This issue has a special meaning for the householder trying to lead a spiritual life. Most of the articles are so useful to the Grihasta. Thank you.
Sreeram Rao Vellanki, Pondicherry
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